En 2021 dedicamos las Jornadas sobre Arte Medieval al estudio de los claustros románicos hispanos a través de seis monumentos muy conocidos: catedral de Tudela, San Pedro de Soria, Santo Domingo de Silos, San Juan de la Peña, Sant Cugat del Vallés y San Pedro de la Rúa en Estella. Evidentemente, se quedaron en el tintero otros muchos ejemplares que merecían la misma atención. Para saldar esa deuda y poder ofrecer un panorama más completo sobre la variedad de estas estructuras románicas, hemos decidido volver sobre el asunto y analizar en estas Jornadas sobre Arte Románico otros seis recintos claustrales conservados en España. En esta muestra se incluyen claustros monásticos, catedralicios y de una orden militar, que destacan por el exotismo de sus formas, el alto nivel técnico de ejecución, el exquisito tratamiento de sus labores escultóricas, el extenso programa iconográfico y el amplio repertorio epigráfico. No quedarán de lado otras implicaciones de tipo cultual, ideológico y estético.
El curso va dirigido a todo tipo de público, desde estudiantes universitarios a entusiastas del arte románico en general.
El curso se desarrollará íntegramente en formato online.
Martes, 26 de noviembre
Vincent Debiais (EHESS – École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. París) En memoria de los muertos: inscripciones funerarias en el claustro de Roda de Isábena
Miguel Sobrino González ((Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura. Madrid) La genialidad al servicio de la función: técnica y diseño en el claustro de San Juan de Duero
17.30 h.: Coloquio
Miércoles, 27 de noviembre
Javier Martínez de Aguirre (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) El claustro de la catedral de Pamplona y sus ecos en la escultura del románico navarro
Pablo Abella Villar (Fundación Santa María la Real) Un paraíso terrenal para prefigurar el paraíso celestial: la polifuncionalidad de las Claustrillas de Las Huelgas de Burgos
17.30 h.: Coloquio
Jueves, 28 de noviembre
Juan Antonio Olañeta Molina (Universitat de Barcelona) El claustro de San Pedro el Viejo de Huesca. Un análisis iconográfico y estilístico
Gerardo Boto Varela (Universitat de Girona) Románico marmóreo. El claustro de la catedral de Tarragona
17.30 h.: Coloquio
Matrícula ordinaria: 75 €
Matrícula reducida: 65 € (estudiantes universitarios, personas en paro, Amigos del Patrimonio, Amigos del Románico y los asistentes a las ediciones de 2022 o 2023 de este mismo curso u otros cursos de la Fundación Santa María la Real en 2024).
Plazo de inscripción: Hasta el 21 de noviembre de 2024
Secretaría de cursos y seminarios Fundación Santa María la Real del Patrimonio Histórico
Avda. Ronda, 1 – 3
34800 Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia)
Tel. 979 125 000 (De lunes a viernes: 08.00 h. a 15.00 h)
Correo electrónico: plhuerta@santamarialareal.org
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Who is responsible for processing your data?
C.I.F.: G-34147827
Address: Avda. Ronda, 1-3. 34.800
Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia)
Email: protecciondatos@santamarialreal.org
On this site you can also book the trips of our agency Cultur Viajes.
CIF: B34274019
Dirección: C/Infantas, 42.28004 Madrid
Teléfono: 915221262
Email: info@culturviajes.org
In FSMLRPH we treat the following information and with the following purposes:
CONTACT FORM: Management of requests received.
REGISTRATION FORM: Manage the creation of the account to facilitate purchases through the website.
PURCHASE AS A GUEST" FORM: Processing of the order placed and invoicing of the same.
NEWSLETTER FORM: Manage subscribers to send special offers and exclusive advances on programming and the company's newsletter through any multi-channel medium (email, sms, postal mail, etc).
Similarly, in those cases where you have checked the corresponding box, the data will be used to send the latest news, offers and discounts through any multi-channel medium (email, sms, postal mail, etc).
How long will we keep your data?
CONTACT FORM: The data from the contact form will be kept until the resolution of the matter received.
REGISTRATION FORM: Until the interested party requests the cancellation.
BUY AS A GUEST" FORM: The data on the form will be deleted once the commercial relationship has ended, with the exception of the invoicing data which will be kept for the periods required by the legislation on the subject.
NEWSLETTER FORM: Until the interested party requests cancellation.
The data for sending commercial communications will be kept until the interested person requests cancellation.
What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?
The consent of the interested person when filling in and sending their data through the different forms or checking the corresponding acceptance boxes.
Who will receive your data?
The data of those persons who have contracted a trip may be communicated in those cases where the regulations require it and also to airlines and other means of transport, as well as to hotel and other accommodation entities for the purposes described in this policy.
Outside of the above described cases, no assignments will be made.
What are your rights when you provide us with your data?
Any person has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not FSMLRPH is processing personal data concerning them.
The persons concerned have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, if necessary, to request their deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.
In certain circumstances, data subjects may request that the processing of their data be limited, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defence of claims.
In certain circumstances and on grounds relating to their particular situation, data subjects may object to the processing of their data.
FSMLRPH will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons or the exercise or defense of possible claims.
The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (agpd.es) if he or she considers that the processing is not in accordance with the regulations in force. Contact details for exercising your rights: FUNDACIÓN SANTA MARÍA LA REAL DEL PATRIMONIO HISTÓRICO, Avda. Ronda, 1-3. 34.800 Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia) or via e-mail protecciondatos@santamarialreal.org, together with valid proof in law, such as a photocopy of the D.N.I. and indicating "DATA PROTECTION" in the subject line.
How have we obtained your data?
The personal data we process in FSMLRPH have been provided by the interested person.
The interested person who sends the information to FSMLRPH guarantees and responds, in any case, to the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided and undertakes to keep them duly updated, exonerating the COMPANY from any responsibility in this regard.
The user accepts to provide complete and correct information in the registration forms.
Likewise, FSMLRPH is not responsible for the veracity of the information that is not of its own elaboration and of which another source is indicated, so it does not assume any responsibility for hypothetical damages that could be caused by the use of such information.
Common use with social networks
If you choose to access the services through your social media account (i.e., Facebook, Twiter, LinkedIn, Google +) or click on one of the social media login buttons or links (e.g., Facebook's "Like" button) available on the Services, your content and personal information will be shared with the relevant social media.
You acknowledge and agree that the use of your personal information, including information you share with social networks through the Services, by social networks is governed by their respective privacy policies. If you do not want your information to be collected by social networks, please review the privacy policy of the relevant social network and/or disconnect from it before using our Services.
Children under the age of 18 are not allowed to register.
The SANTA MARÍA LA REAL HISTORICAL HERITAGE FOUNDATION reserves the right to modify its Data Protection Policy in accordance with current applicable legislation. Any modification of this Policy will be published on the website.
Before you send it, we invited you to be advised about the process that we make of your data:
Finalidad: The management of the requests received.
Legitimación: Agreement of the person concerned
Destinatarios: There are no cessions to third parties.
Derechos: You will be able to assert your rights in the ways described in our Privacy Policy or to file a complaint with a supervisory authority
Avda. Ronda, 1-3. 34.800 Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia) | 979 125 000 – tienda@santamarialareal.org
Registered since June 24, 1994 in the Foundations Registry of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports