
El Gran Cairo. Pirámides, tesoros y el recién abierto Museo Egipcio

€ 3,990.00

The price of the reservation is - per person.

Duration: 7 D/ 6 N
Start date: 20/May/2025
Ending date: 26/May/2025
Request Informationn

Un recorrido para conocer las más espectaculares pirámides de Egipto, la capital cairota, sus más destacados museos, así como las maravillas paisajísticas. El Cairo es una ciudad que cautiva por su diversidad histórica y cultural. En el barrio copto, sus iglesias de peregrinación, nos sumergen en la espiritualidad cristiana copta, donde la historia de la Sagrada Familia se mezcla con la devoción de los fieles. En la parte islámica, la mezquita de alabastro destaca por su imponente arquitectura turca, mientras que la mezquita de Tulun, con su estilo único, nos transporta a la época de los califas. Este sector de la ciudad refleja la grandeza y la serenidad del islam medieval. El gran mercado cairota es un hervidero de vida, colores y aromas, donde el regateo y el comercio tradicional ofrecen una experiencia auténtica. Los puestos de especias, textiles y artesanías nos conectan con el alma vibrante de la ciudad. Siempre como telón de fondo el Nilo, eje vital de la civilización egipcia, sigue fluyendo a través de la ciudad, ofreciendo vistas espectaculares y un respiro de tranquilidad en medio del bullicio urbano. Un paseo por sus aguas revela el contraste entre la antigua grandeza y la modernidad del Cairo. Ciudad de museos, los museos del Cairo, como el Gran Museo Egipcio y el Museo de las Civilizaciones, nos permiten adentrarnos en la historia de Egipto desde el faraónico hasta el mundo contemporáneo, mostrando un patrimonio invaluable que define la esencia de esta ciudad fascinante.

¿Quieres recibir toda la información de este itinerario? Solicita aquí tu Plan de Viaje sin compromiso.


Salidas desde: Madrid 


  • De 21 a 30 personas: 3.990€ p/p en habitación doble 
  • Hasta 20 personas: 4.300€ p/p en habitación doble 
  • Supl. hab. individual: 550 € 
  • Descuento Amigo del Patrimonio: 60 € 


  • Día 1: Madrid - El Cairo
  • Día 2: Saqqara
  • Día 3: Guiza - Museo Egipcio de El Cairo
  • Día 4: El Gran Museo Egipcio
  • Día 5: El Cairo Copto
  • Día 6: El Cairo Islámico - Museo de las Civilización Egipcia
  • Día 7: El Cairo - Madrid

El precio incluye:

  • El acompañamiento durante el transcurso del viaje por uno de nuestros organizadores y una experta egiptóloga española, Susana Alegre, y un guía egiptólogo oficial local, Joseph Ernest
  • Alojamiento en el hotel cinco estrellas Hotel Sheraton Cairo 5*, alojamiento en el centro de la capital egipcia o similar
  • Almuerzos y cenas en restaurantes de gastronomía local con bebidas incluídas durante todo el viaje
  • Bebidas alcohólicas durante las comidas (vino/cerveza excepcional por ser un país islámico)
  • Tarjeta telefónica con datos para internet
  • Salida en avión desde Madrid-El Cairo-Madrid con Egyptair
  • Asistencia 24h durante el viaje
  • Servicio de maleteros en aeropuertos y hoteles
  • Propinas para guía, celadores y chóferes
  • Visado de entrada a Egipto
  • Conferencias durante el itinerario por parte de nuestra experta egiptóloga española
  • Entrega del material explicativo e información impresa del itinerario
  • La entrada a todos los monumentos, acompañado por nuestra egiptóloga española y por un guía local que realizarán las pertinentes explicaciones, con radio-guía para mayor comodidad
  • Autocar moderno y confortable, de gama alta para los traslados
  • Asignación de asiento de transporte (según fecha de inscripción)
  • Seguro de viaje con coberturas de asistencia médica (consultar condiciones), gastos de anulación con enfermedades preexistentes, pérdida de equipajes, etc.

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Finalidad: Sending news and newsletter of the Foundation.
Legitimación: Agreement of the person concerned.
Destinatarios: There are no cessions to third parties..
Derechos: You will be able to assert your rights in the ways described in our Privacy Policy or to file a complaint with a supervisory authority

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C.I.F.: G-34147827

Address: Avda. Ronda, 1-3. 34.800

Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia)



On this site you can also book the trips of our agency Cultur Viajes.

CIF: B34274019

Dirección: C/Infantas, 42.28004 Madrid

Teléfono: 915221262


For what purpose do we process your personal data?

In FSMLRPH we treat the following information and with the following purposes:  

CONTACT FORM: Management of requests received.

REGISTRATION FORM: Manage the creation of the account to facilitate purchases through the website.

PURCHASE AS A GUEST" FORM: Processing of the order placed and invoicing of the same.

NEWSLETTER FORM: Manage subscribers to send special offers and exclusive advances on programming and the company's newsletter through any multi-channel medium (email, sms, postal mail, etc).  

Similarly, in those cases where you have checked the corresponding box, the data will be used to send the latest news, offers and discounts through any multi-channel medium (email, sms, postal mail, etc).  

How long will we keep your data?  

CONTACT FORM: The data from the contact form will be kept until the resolution of the matter received.

REGISTRATION FORM: Until the interested party requests the cancellation.

BUY AS A GUEST" FORM: The data on the form will be deleted once the commercial relationship has ended, with the exception of the invoicing data which will be kept for the periods required by the legislation on the subject.

NEWSLETTER FORM: Until the interested party requests cancellation.  

The data for sending commercial communications will be kept until the interested person requests cancellation.  

What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?  

The consent of the interested person when filling in and sending their data through the different forms or checking the corresponding acceptance boxes.  

Who will receive your data?

The data of those persons who have contracted a trip may be communicated in those cases where the regulations require it and also to airlines and other means of transport, as well as to hotel and other accommodation entities for the purposes described in this policy.  

Outside of the above described cases, no assignments will be made.  

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?  

Any person has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not FSMLRPH is processing personal data concerning them.  

The persons concerned have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, if necessary, to request their deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.  

In certain circumstances, data subjects may request that the processing of their data be limited, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defence of claims.  

In certain circumstances and on grounds relating to their particular situation, data subjects may object to the processing of their data.  

FSMLRPH will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons or the exercise or defense of possible claims.  

The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority ( if he or she considers that the processing is not in accordance with the regulations in force.   Contact details for exercising your rights: FUNDACIÓN SANTA MARÍA LA REAL DEL PATRIMONIO HISTÓRICO, Avda. Ronda, 1-3. 34.800 Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia) or via e-mail, together with valid proof in law, such as a photocopy of the D.N.I. and indicating "DATA PROTECTION" in the subject line.  

How have we obtained your data?  

The personal data we process in FSMLRPH have been provided by the interested person.   

The interested person who sends the information to FSMLRPH guarantees and responds, in any case, to the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided and undertakes to keep them duly updated, exonerating the COMPANY from any responsibility in this regard.

The user accepts to provide complete and correct information in the registration forms.  

Likewise, FSMLRPH is not responsible for the veracity of the information that is not of its own elaboration and of which another source is indicated, so it does not assume any responsibility for hypothetical damages that could be caused by the use of such information.

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Children under the age of 18 are not allowed to register.


Modifications to the current data protection information  

The SANTA MARÍA LA REAL HISTORICAL HERITAGE FOUNDATION reserves the right to modify its Data Protection Policy in accordance with current applicable legislation. Any modification of this Policy will be published on the website.  

Before you send it, we invited you to be advised about the process that we make of your data:
Finalidad: The management of the requests received.
Legitimación: Agreement of the person concerned
Destinatarios: There are no cessions to third parties.
Derechos: You will be able to assert your rights in the ways described in our Privacy Policy or to file a complaint with a supervisory authority

Santa María la Real Foundation. All rights reserved.
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